
Welcome To Future 16's Site


THIS IS Future 16
We are team Future 16 - welcome to our project! Our team mostly consists of second-year engineer students from JAMK University of Applied Sciences' IT institute. Our scope is to improve a traffic visualizer app Tukko, created by IoTitude in WIMMALab 2023 as an assignment from Combitech Oy, by implementing new features and improvements to it. This project is part of JAMK's Future Factory IT 2024 course.

Have a look our project documentation here.


Tukko - Traffic Visualizer 1.1

We have managed to deliver new features and improvements to Tukko - Traffic Visualizer

- Users are able to create an account and securely authenticate to the application

- Dark mode has been improved with a new design, clusters change color dynamically on theme toggle, and Leaflet attribution links have been adjusted better

- Branding has been changed to Future 16 and Jamk

- Implemented GitLab CI/CD pipeline for building, testing and deploying code on frontend and backend

- Migitated all GitLab security dashboard problems



Ilmo Pitkänen
Team Lead


Juhani Jussila


Pyry Anttila


Stefano Confalone


Samir Benjenna



Features & Improvements

Secure account authentication

Security measurements used:

-Password hashing with bcrypt

-Username and email address are sanitized and validated before processed into query to prevent risk of NoSQL injection

-JSON Web Token

How it works:

User is greeted with a sign in form at first. From there the user can create and register an account if they don't have one. Username can't contain special characters and email address must be a valid one. User can also choose to use the app as quest like in the original Tukko.


When the user successfully authenticates they are redirected to the home app where they can see in the top right corner that they're signed in and can logout.


If the user logs out, they're redirected back to the login form.

Improved dark mode colors

This feature improves the dark mode theme of Tukko by making the Leaflet map less dull. It also makes clusters change color dynamically on dark mode toggle which was lacking thing in the original version. However we weren't able to implement a separate color spectrum for markers in dark mode. Also the bottom right link colors have been adjusted better and the Ukraine flag is not affected by dark mode anymore, which was another bug in the original version.


Jamk & Future 16 branding

This simply replaces the WIMMALab and Iotitude logos with Jamk and Future 16 ones. They're adjusted for dark mode too.

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GitLab CI/CD pipeline (Robot Framework)

Here is an example of the CI/CD pipeline in action. This was when the authentication feature was successfully merged into the main branch. We also set up robot framework for automation testing. As we can see it passed all of the tests and deployed successfully.


Here is another example. In this case the job failed as it didn't pass the Robot test (it was due to an error with React router dom). This was the first attempt at merging the authentication feature branch to the main branch.

pipeline fail