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Testcase 01 FEA102

Test Case description Verify secure user authentication for Tukko
Test Case ID TC102-001
Author/Designer Stefano Confalone
Date of creation 19.02.2024
Class functional acceptance

Test description / objective

The objective of this test is to verify that users are able to create an account to Tukko, log in with it and security measurements such as password hashing work.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Start

Test steps

  1. User opens up Tukko
  2. User selects "Log in" option in Tukko's interface
  3. User does not have an account so they create one
  4. Userdata is stored in MongoDB

Test end-state

  • Ensure that user is able to authenticate to Tukko and userdata is securely stored in MongoDB

To be taken into account during test

  • Possible changes in Tukko's interface

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS: Log in form works, Rest API works (userdata is stored in MongoDB), passwords are hashed

  • FAIL: User can't authenticate to Tukko and userdata has security vulnerabilities