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Release Notes for Tukko 1.1


Release Date



This update bring new features to Tukko including security, general improvements and user accounts.

New Features

  • Feature1: Branding changed to Future 16 and JAMK
  • Feature2: Secure coding practices utilized throughout
  • Feature3: Dark mode colors improved
  • Feature4: Gitlab security dashboard problems migitgated
  • Feature5: Secure account authentication

  • Also set up CI/CD pipeline and Robot Framework for automatic testing on frontend and backend.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug003: Attribution bar now behaves properly, used to be just color inverted making also the Ukraine flag inverted
  • Clusters change color on dark mode toggle now

Known Issues

  • Language inconsistencies

Upgrade Instructions


  1. Fork both Future 16's Tukko 1.1 frontend and backend repositories to create your own project fork

  2. Clone both repositories you forked to your desired location on your computer

    git clone link-to-your-forked-frontend-repo
    git clone link-to-your-forked-backend-repo

  3. Install required packages on both repositories:

    npm install

  4. Go to backend repository and start backend containers with docker:

    npm run prod

  5. Run local development environment on frontend:

    npm run dev

Service will run on http://localhost:5173/


Involved in Tukko 1.1 release:

Original creators of Tukko: