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Document Offer
Author: Ilmo Pitkänen
Version: 1
Date: 16.2.2024

Recipient of the offer: Combitech Oy

Referring to your request for offer request 23.2.2024, we offer you the following service product:

1. Object of the tender and procurement situation

The Tukko improvement solution to be implemented in this case means an entity comprising the following functionalities:

  • FEA101 - Comparing different LAM stations side by side
  • FEA102 - Securely authenticating user accounts
  • FEA106 - Improve dark mode colors
  • FEA110 - Enhance color contrast for color blindness
  • FEA201 - Export data to csv from the database
  • FEA404 - Enforce secure coding practices
  • FEA408 - Mitigate all Gitlab Security dashboard problems

A more detailed description can be found in requirements specification

2. Objectives, requirements and proposed solutions

The objective and proposed solution is to create and implement the features mentioned above.

The user authentication feature also has a mockup.

3. Delivery and release plan


  • E1 Signing of the project agreement on 23.2.2024
  • E2 Final testing plan made on 18.3.2024
  • E3 Trial operation 12.4.2024
  • E4 Commissioning on 22.4.2024

  • Preliminary test plan

  • Agile Scrumban model as a system work method

4. Prices and charges

Total price € 13,764.00 (incl. VAT 24%), according to the following schedule

  • E1 Signing of the Agreement on February 23, 2024
  • E2 Final testing plan on March 18, 2024
  • E3 Approval testing on April 12, 2024
  • E4 Commissioning on April 22, 2024
  • Payment due date 7 days from the stage

Division of labor:

  • Control + administration 9%
  • definition and design 25%
  • coding and testing 56%
  • documentation 10%

5. Supplier Introduction

  • Project group Future 16:
  • for more information, contact

6. Other things to consider

  • Limitations of the “hair coat model” offered:
  • in Finnish
  • limited to JAMK's ICT student courses
  • user numbers limited to JAMK's ICT students
  • contacts are requested primarily by Slack messages, secondarily by email
  • the offer is valid until 12.10.2024

Signatures 23.2.2024

XYZ project manage