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Definition of Done

DOD stands for Definition of Done in agile development. It is a set of criteria that a team agrees to meet before declaring a product or feature as completed. The purpose of DOD is to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding between the development team and the stakeholders about what constitutes as done. For example, a DOD might include code quality, testing, documentation, and user feedback.

What is meant when a goal / task is indeed done?

According to Definition of Done, a goal or task is considered as done when it meets its required standards to a satisfactory level and does not contain any issues that prevent it from functioning properly.

What steps should be done before accepting issue/feature as done?

Pair review

Depending on how many team members are assigned to work on a certain task, at least two or more members should review the implemented work to assure it functions as intended and meets its requirements. This procedure ensures quality for the implemented work to be delivered to the end product.


When developers code a feature for Tukko ready to be tested, it must pass all manual or automatic tests in order to be defined as complete. This may include tests such as unit tests, integration tests and system tests.


Documentation of new features for Tukko must be written to ensure that all new additions and features to Tukko have specifications or guides on how they work and what changes they have made to the application.

Implementation in version control

To improve version tracking and change history, all task-related work must be committed and pushed to the right branch in GitLab. This mainly includes project-related documents and code for new features.

Together reviewed

For the end product it is important to review all the work done as a whole team. This allows receiving feedback and assessment from other members for potential improvements and finding errors.

Extra steps

For any additional information on the team's Definition of Done, there can be some minor standards amongst the team for defining certain tasks as completed.