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Current Status

Future 16 logo

Report is updated every sprint.

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 00 - Week 3 19.1.2024

What has been achieved

The team has met and gathered together. Roles have been selected and everyone has got familiar with working environments. Some initial issues have been set up and documents filled. All first week's orientation tasks are done.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Currently everyone seems to be a bit confused as there is yet to be a clear objective on what do do for the project.

Next steps

Hopefully we can start working on the main assignment as soon as possible.

Status of sprint 00 - Week 4 26.1.2024

What has been achieved

  • Deployed multiple virtual machines and shared one within the group
  • Learned about CSC environment
  • Got familiar with customer Combitech Oy and Tukko - Traffic Visualizer app
  • Worked on sprint 00 issues

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • No major problems
  • Still only some minor confusion regarding the assignment

Next steps

  • Start working on sprint 01 issues on planning board

Status of sprint 01 - Week 5 2.2.2024

What has been achieved

  • Started working on sprint01 issues
  • Decided what possible features we could to Tukko implement later on
  • Documentation on project plan, communication plan, risk management plan and requirement specification
  • Defined DoD (Definition of Done)
  • Estabilished connection between Tukko's backend and frontend and got the program functioning properly using Docker

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Getting Tukko's server up and running in Docker was a challenge but we got it to work

Next steps

  • Continue writing Project Plan, communication plan, risk management plan and requirement specification

Status of sprint 01 - Week 6 9.2.2024

What has been achieved

  • Sprint 01 issues done
  • Documentation progressing, and most documents that are needed are done
  • Team's page updated and personalized

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Everything went smoothly, no problems

Next steps

  • Preparing for sprint 02

Status of sprint 02 - Week 7 16.2.2024

What has been achieved

  • Sprint 02 issues are mostly done and in proggress or waiting for review.
  • Documentation is mostly done we are just finalizing the last ones.
  • We made made a bug report. It is located in test management.
  • We now have a logo !
  • Personalized OPF-site theme and added logo in there

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • We are discovering where target files are located for us, for example css files within tukko for dark mode.

Next steps

  • Preparing for sprint 03

Status of sprint 02 - Week 8 19.2.2024

NOTE: Team status updated every workday (instead of just weekly) starting from now

What has been achieved

  • Made usecases and testcase documents for features
  • Worked on GitLab Roadmap
  • Wrote general test plan
  • Refined mockups, also made dark mode version of some mockups
  • Reported 1 new bug with Tukko
  • Updated home page

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Confusion with testcases for features 408 and 404

Next steps

  • Prepare for review day

Status of sprint 02 - Week 8 23.2.2024, review day E1

What has been achieved

  • Finished up remaining sprint02 issues
  • Improved team showcase on homepage
  • Minor fixes in feature documents and project plan
  • Attended review meeting; we weren't chosen so we watched other teams
  • Most teams that displayed their project seemed very ambitious and hard-working, so congratulations to them

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Honestly some of us were left perplexed about how charming other teams' projects looked like and how well they presented them

Next steps

  • Vacation/self study week
  • Maybe learn more about React framework
  • Prepare for next sprint which is sprint 03

Status of sprint 03 - Week 10 4.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Started working on sprint 3 board
  • Divided responsibilities for testing features
  • Added new user stories for features 101 and 102 (backlog)
  • Selected first feature to start working on (we chose fea106)

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • We had already done many issues from sprint 3 in earlier weeks, it seems

Next steps

  • Start working on FEA106
  • Prepare for sprint 3 review day

Status of sprint 03 - Week 10 8.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Started work on first features, 106 and 408
  • Issues finished

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • None

Next steps

  • Continue feature development
  • Start preparing for new issues

Status of sprint 04 - Week 11 11.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Sprint 04 planning
  • Started work for feature 201, continuing development for 106
  • Divided more roles for team members making features

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Really hard time getting Tukko's markers to change colors dynamically on dark/light theme update

Next steps

  • Continue feature development

Status of sprint 04 - Week 11 15.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Continued feature development

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Still stuck on trying to make marker colors dynamic (fea106), it seems very complicated

Next steps

  • Continue feature development

Status of sprint 04 - Week 12 18.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Prepared presentation about team's current status for sprint 04 review
  • Attended "IT-alan työllistäjiä ja suuntauksia" event at Dynamo at between 12-16.

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • None

Next steps

  • Continue feature development
  • Be prepared to possibly present our team's work on Friday

Status of sprint 04, E2 review - Week 12 22.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • Updated home page and made a new logo for Future 16 version of Tukko
  • Finished implementation of new dark mode (FEA106)
  • Started development of authentication feature: added route for adding userdata to database and the model for adding users (FEA102)
  • FEA112: added logos of JAMK and Future 16 to Tukko
  • Reviewed all sprint04 issues on issue board
  • Attended sprint 04 review meeting; 2 members were absent

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • FEA102: having a hard time to access redis and mongoDB database
  • FEA106: we couldn't make map marker colors dynamic on theme toggle despite spending countless hours so we let it be

Next steps

  • Continue feature development
  • Start planning sprint 05

Status of sprint 05 - Week 13 25.3.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA102: successfully added routes for user registration, login and logout on backend. Also added secret endpoint route to check if user is authenticated.
  • Managed to get CI/CD pipeline working on backend and frontend on GitLab
  • Started making our team's OPF page for demo day

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • None

Next steps

  • Continue feature development
  • Finish demo day page ready for presentation on demo day

Status of sprint 05 - Week 14 5.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA102 authentication: implemented a working navigation system for login page, register page, app without user authentication and app as authenticated user. Also stylized login and register pages.
  • Worked on first regression test and got it to work with CI/CD pipeline with Robot Framework
  • Continued sustainable development course and personal learning diary
  • Finished most sprint 05 issues and went reviewed the board
  • Attended sprint 05 review meeting

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • FEA102: having issues with rest API in frontend, but should be overcome soon

Next steps

  • Continue feature development
  • Prepare for demo day

Status of sprint 06 - Week 15 8.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA102 authentication is now implemented and ready for testing. User can register to Tukko and securely authenticate their account. Password is hashed using bcrypt module on backend and is not visible on JSON document data (only visible on MongoDB). Error handling also works. Frontend routes use React's context module which can detect whether user is authorized or not.

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • Due to time restrictions we doubt we can develop any more features. Out of all the feature's we worked on FEA102 is the biggest feature we've developed and we'll include it for our showcase on demo day along with the other smaller ones.

Next steps

  • Begin testing feature 102
  • Prepare our project for demo day's showcase

Status of sprint 06 - Week 15 12.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • Revised FEA102 authentication and made some final improvements. We added a measure that prevents possible NoSQL injections by sanitizing and validating email and username on register and login route on the backend. Also now in the home app it displays current user "Signed in as x", so we have more than just a logout button now.
  • Added a feature showcase section on our homepage. Currently it has 3 features documented (102, 106, 112)
  • Re-made new Tukko 1.1 logo

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • None

Next steps

  • Ready up for demo day which is on 15.4

Status of sprint 06 Demo Day - Week 16 15.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • We attended Demo Day event on Zoom from 12 to 14. We presented our progress and demo service features as team 13 came to visit us. Two of our team members visited teams 13 and 18.
  • Managed to get authentication feature to work on our Tukko app host. We had to change the endpoints for frontend components Login, Register and UserMenu to be able to post data to the VM's database.

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • We just can't seem to get authentication to work on our host side by building docker containers (404 not found nginx error in the app), instead we just keep it on development environment where it works as it should

Next steps

  • Continue writing learning diary
  • Prepare for sprint 06 gate 3 review on Friday

Status of sprint 06 - Week 16 19.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • Project end report written
  • Wrote release note for our Tukko 1.1
  • Updated documents

Do we have problems/challenges?

  • None

Next steps

  • Prepare a presentation (in case we are chosen) for the end seminar